Sonntag, 13. Juli 2008
Heyho mates,

I just arrived in Australia some hours ago...after a 35 hours trip with a pretty annoying stopover in HongKong. This airport is pretty crazy...

My accomodation is nice (except the fact that I need to share the room with 11 other people...from the US, Denmark, Sweden, Sri Lanka etc.) but almost overbooked so that I can just stay till Thursday very likely. I hope I can find an apartment by then but as I was already told by some people I met, it´s not that easy....keep your fingers crossed that it´ll work out soon.
I already met some nice US guys that showed me around a bit and made my first hours less uncomfortable.

I need to go to sleep soon as the jet lag is getting stronger and stronger every minute.
No, worries pics will come as soon as possible :-)

Tomorrow, orientation week finally starts and I´m kind of excited what it will be like. We´ll see, I just hope to meet lots of new people and make friends soon.

I´m off...have a good one and take care!
